Journal Metrics

Articles statistics based on time period This year (2025) Last Year (2024) Six month statistics One year statistics Total statistics
Submitted 0 0 0 0 28
Accepted and finilized 0 0 0 0 28
Rejected 0 0 0 0 0
Acceptance rate 0 0 0 0 100%
Rejection rate 0 0 0 0 0%

Articles accept/publish means This year (2025) Last Year (2024) Six month statistics One year statistics Total statistics
Articles acceptance mean (Days) 0 0 0 0 103.43
Articles publishing mean (Days) 0 0 0 0 63.43

Articles statistics based on article type This year (2025) Last Year (2024) Six month statistics One year statistics Total statistics

Articles view/download statistics This year (2025) Last Year (2024) Six month statistics One year statistics Total statistics
Abstracts view 0 0 0 0 241,347
Fulltext downloads 0 0 0 0 126,254

Subject Total Accepted
Submissions with 1 author: 22 1
Submissions with 2 authors: 9 4
Submissions with 3 authors: 9 6
Submissions with 4 authors: 10 8
Submissions with more than 5 authors: 10 9

50 top organizations Total Authors Total Submissions Accepted Submissions
Tarbiat modares university 36 14
Tabriz university 10 3
Islamic azad university science and research branch 9 6
Tehran university of medical sciences 6 1
Guilan university 6 2
Hamadan university of medical sciences 5 1
Lorestan university 3
Pediatric college of medicine qassim universitym ksa 3
Sharif university of technology 3 1
Pasteur institute of iran 3 1
新疆医科大学 2 1
Shahrekord university 2 1
Isfahan university 2 2
Assistant professor 2 1
Payame noor university 2 1
Guilan university of medical sciences 2 1
Medical students assiut university egypt 1 1
University of kirkuk 1 1
Maternal childhood hospital qassim ksa 1
Haramaya university 1 1
Pharmacy students assiut university egypt 1
Department of veterinary medicine university of ibadan. 1 1
Shiraz university 1 1
First author 1 1
Tabriz university of medical sciences 1
Shahid beheshti university of medical sciences 1
National institute of statistics / romania 1 1
Department of studies in zoology university of mysore mysore india 1 1
Department of medicine khyber medical college peshawar pakistan 1 1
Department of pulmonary medicine j.s.s medical college mysore india 1
Department of virology and immunology nih islamabad pakistan 1
新疆医科大学基础医学院组织与胚胎学系功能中心 1
Ahvaz jundishapur university of medical sciences 1
Baqiyatallah university of medical sciences 1 1
Department of pharmacy state university of bangladesh 1 1
State university of bangladesh 1 1
Shahrekord university faculty of science department of genetics 1
Azarbaijan shahid madani university 1
Admiralty university of nigeria 1 1
Isfahan medical university 1
Federal university dutse 1 1
Associate professor 1
Dezful university of medical sciences 1
Jomo kenyatta university of agriculture and technology 1 1
Kırıkkale university veterinary faculty microbiology department 1 1
Shahid chamran university 1
Human genetic 1 1
Department of fisheries science persian gulf university bushehr iran 1 1
Iran university of medical sciences 1

Update: 2025/02/27