Volume 1, Issue 3 (2014)                   2014, 1(3): 185-194 | Back to browse issues page

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Nasiri A, Ziamajidi N, Behrouj H, Abbasalipourkabir R, Dehghan A. The effects of aqueous extract of chicory root on steatosis, lipid profile and liver damage enzyme markers in tamoxifen-treated rats. Molecular and Biochemical Diagnosis Journal 2014; 1 (3) :185-194
URL: http://mbd.modares.ac.ir/article-8-6624-en.html
1- Department of Clinical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
2- Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Abstract:   (6721 Views)
Background: Accumulation of triglycerides in the liver i.e. steatosis, is a well-known side-effect of tamoxifen administration to patients suffering from breast cancer. Cichoriumintybus (chicory) is a plant used as traditional medicine for curing liver disorders. In this study, the effects of extract prepared from chicory roots on tamoxifen-induced liver steatosis and related biochemical factors in animal model using rats has been investigated. Methods: Female rats of Wistar strain were divided into four groups and treated as follows; 1-Control: received vehicle; 2- Chicory root-extract treated: rats were given by gavage the aqueous chicory root extract (1 g/kg body weight/day for 14 days).3- Tamoxifen-treated: rats received tamoxifen (1 mg/kg body weight/day, for 7 days). 4- Tamoxifen+chicory-group: animals received tamoxifen (1 mg/kg body weight/day for 7 days) followed by chicory extract given by gavage (1 g/kg body weight/day for 14 days). After treatment, blood was collected by cardiac puncher, plasma was separated and plasma levels of glucose, total protein, triglyceride, cholesterol,LDL-C, HDL-C and activities of ALT, AST and ALP were measured. Liver tissues were homogenized used for measuring tissue triglyceride and histological examinations. Results: The data show that tamoxifen treatment caused a significant decrease in the level of serum cholesterol, HDL-C and total protein. However, serum ALT level was increased in tamoxifen-treated rats compared to controls. Increased serum ALT in tamoxifen-treated rats was recovered in rats treated with plant extract (tamoxifen+chicory-group). HDL-C and total protein levels were unaffected in rats fed chicory extracts. Tamaxifen-treated animals showed signs of liver steatosis as shown by histological examination and accumulation liver triglyceride. The steatosis markers such as accumulated triglyceride in liver was significantly reduced due to the plant extract treatments when compared to tamoxifen-group. Conclusions: Dietary extract prepared from chicory roots is effective in modulation of  tamoxifen-induced liver damage and steatosis.
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Received: 2015/12/14 | Accepted: 2014/09/1 | Published: 2015/12/14

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